Georgetown Uber & Lyft Accident and Injury Lawyers

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Myrtle Beach Uber & Lyft Accident and Injury Lawyers


Advocating for South Carolina rideshare assault and accident victims

Myrtle Beach residents, workers, and tourists use taxi services to get around the city when they don’t have a car. More and more, however, people are requesting a ride through rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft. Passengers have the right to expect Uber and Lyft will fully vet their drivers before allowing them to accept passengers, and to respond quickly and competently to any complaints about the driver’s behavior.

If you’re injured in a rideshare accident while traveling around Georgetown, Myrtle Beach & Surfside Beach, the responsible parties should be held accountable – whether that’s the driver or the rideshare company. The Myrtle Beach Uber & Lyft accident injury attorneys at McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC have a strong record of success holding the right people responsible for injuries, losses, and damages when they cause you harm.

Free Case Evaluation

Call 803-327-7800 now or fill out the form above to schedule your free case evaluation.

Insurance liability for Myrtle Beach rideshare accidents


Much of the confusion around compensation regarding Uber and Lyft accidents is whose insurance covers what and when. Following is a basic overview. In order to drive for rideshares, individuals are required to carry their own auto insurance policies, since they use their own vehicles. However, Uber and Lyft both carry their own liability policies as well, which cover drivers while they’re on the job, aka “driving mode.”

If you’re involved in a car accident with a Lyft or Uber vehicle, the company’s liability insurance varies depending on whether or not they had a passenger in the car.

If the driver’s app is on (driving mode) but they do not have a passenger:

  • Up to $50,000 for each injured person
  • Up to $100,000 total injury coverage per accident
  • Up to $25,000 for property damage

If the driver is in driving mode and does have a passenger:

  • Up to $1 million total coverage

For example, if a Lyft driver has their app on but doesn’t have a passenger and has an accident, an injured victim may be eligible for up to $50,000 in damages. On the other hand, if an Uber driver has their app on and has a passenger(s) in the vehicle and has an accident, injury victims may be eligible for up to one million dollars in damages.

What if the drivers’ app was off at the time of the accident?


Uber and Lyft’s insurance policies don’t cover accidents or incidents that happen “off the clock,” meaning the rideshare app was turned off at the time. In cases like this, the driver’s personal auto insurance policy is responsible. If the driver is actively working and their app is on, the rideshare company’s insurance policy should kick in. Our Myrtle Beach rideshare attorneys can explain more about these types of circumstances as well as your legal rights.

I was assaulted by my Lyft/Uber driver. What should I do?

Rideshare assaults are an unfortunate and common topic in the news lately. If you experienced a sexual or physical assault as a passenger in a rideshare vehicle, report it to authorities immediately. And take these steps to help make sure your assaulter and all responsible parties are held accountable.

  • Get to a safe place and call 911
  • Cooperate with authorities
  • Screencap all your rideshare details
  • Seek medical care and photograph your injuries
  • Save all paperwork, police reports, and medical documents
  • Notify the rideshare company of the incident
  • Consult with a Georgetown injury attorney

You should also know that both Uber and Lyft have public anti-discrimination policies. If your driver harassed or discriminated against you on the basis of race, color, gender, gender identity, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, or sexual orientation, talk to our lawyers about taking action.

We hold Myrtle Beach rideshare companies accountable for accidents and injuries


When you’re injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, the driver should be held responsible, and our attorneys work to ensure they are. However, rideshare companies have been lobbying and working for years avoid any liability for their drivers’ actions. In fact, they classify their drivers as independent contractors in an effort to keep them separated from the company.

However, these companies can be held liable if they’re found negligent for your injuries as well. These reasons can include failing to:

  • Conduct a thorough background check on drivers
  • Ensure the safety and security of all passengers
  • Establish company safety guidelines and protocols
  • Follow through on complaints of driver misconduct
  • Remove dangerous or criminally accused drivers from the app

Drivers are typically responsible for their own misconduct, but rideshare companies are also responsible for the people they hire and ensuring their passengers’ safety.

Generally, drivers are held liable and must pay damages based on their intentional misconduct. Rideshare companies are liable if they were negligent in the way they hired the driver, kept the driver, or failed to secure a passenger’s safety. In some situations, both parties can be held liable.

Steps to take after a Myrtle Beach Lyft or Uber accident


If you or a loved one is involved in an accident with a rideshare vehicle, take the following steps to protect yourself.

  • Notify the authorities. Call 911 or the police. They’ll ensure safety and make a formal accident report. The report will also contain the driver’s contact and vehicle information, as well as other valuable details.
  • Seek medical attention. A doctor can treat and document your injuries. Even if you don’t feel hurt, see a doctor within a day or two of the accident, as some injuries take a while to show up.
  • Verify your ride status. Verify that you were an active passenger in your Uber or Lyft by taking screencaps of the app’s ride details.
  • Collect witness contact information. Talk to any witnesses, other passengers, drivers, or pedestrians. Witness accounts help build a strong case.
  • Speak to an attorney. An experienced injury lawyer can let you know the best steps to take next.

Talk to McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC first. You’re entitled to compensation, and we want to help.

Compensation for SC rideshare injuries and losses


When you suffer injury and harm from an accident in a rideshare vehicle, you shouldn’t be responsible for your damages, especially financial ones. Depending on the extent of your injuries, you may not be able to work for weeks or months while you recover and heal. We hold the negligent parties accountable for all of your losses, including:

  • Medical bills, prescriptions, and physical therapy
  • Lost wages, including future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

The court may order drivers, Uber, or Lyft to pay punitive damages in cases of extreme negligence or recklessness. Victims of assault can typically file a civil claim against their assaulters.

Dedicated Myrtle Beach Uber & Lyft accident lawyers

The injury attorneys at McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC have a track record of success in obtaining numerous large settlements and large jury verdicts for our clients. We do the work – prepping you and your case and keeping you informed every step of the way. If you were injured in a rideshare accident or assault, talk to us today. To schedule an appointment, call our Myrtle Beach Uber & Lyft accident lawyers at 803-327-7800 or use our contact form to schedule an appointment.