Our Intake Process

The Intake Process for McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC

Step One: Are We the Right Fit for Your Legal Needs?

Choosing the right law firm for your needs is important; you want a firm with experience in the type of case you have. McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC is a plaintiffs’ injury firm. That means we only work with people who suffered injuries and losses, not insurance companies. We largely focus on catastrophic injuries arising from:

  • Medical Malpractice
  • Truck Accidents
  • Drunk Driving Accidents Involving Bars/Restaurants (Dram Shop)
  • Birth Injuries & Negligence
  • Sexual Abuse and/or Assault
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Dangerous Products
  • Unsafe Properties
  • Fatal Accidents & Acts of Negligence

You can find a more robust list of the types of cases we typically take here.

Just because you don’t see your exact case does not mean we cannot help you. We may be able to refer you to one of our partners, for example, if the type of case you have is not injury-related, or if we believe you’d be better served by a different firm.

Step Two: Getting Your Free Initial Case Review

McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips offers free initial case reviews for potential clients. These initial reviews, or intakes, tell us more about your case, and help us determine right away whether we can help you. Injury cases in South Carolina are subject to a three year deadline called the “statute of limitations,” which can affect your ability to file a claim or lawsuit. The free initial case review helps you and us move forward.

If you fill out the contact form

If you click on the “contact” page on our website, you’re brought to this form:

The form itself is basic, but it gives you an opportunity to tell us who you are, how we can contact you, and why you’re contacting us for help.

These forms are collected and reviewed by a Leads Coordinator: a team member whose sole job is to ensure that potential clients are paired up with the right attorney. In most scenarios, our Leads Coordinator is the one who calls you back to ask for more detailed information about your case, though you may end up speaking with an Intake Specialist instead. The Intake Specialists report to the Leads Coordinator.

  • If you request a specific attorney, your form – and the updated information – is sent along to him or her.
  • If you do not request a specific lawyer, then our Leads Coordinator/Intake Specialist sends your contact form and any additional information along to a lawyer with experience handling your type of case.

If you call the firm

If you call McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, the process is similar. Your call will first be transferred to the Leads Coordinator or an Intake Specialist, who will take down more information. That information will be sent to an attorney, who will call you back as soon as possible. If you request a specific lawyer, that is the lawyer to whom your information will be sent. If you do not, then a lawyer will be assigned to you.

If you use our Live Chat system

If you come to our website, you may opt to use our Love Chat feature. It’s located in the bottom right-hand corner of the site, in bold red:

The intake process is similar if you go through Live Chat.

The additional information we ask you to provide

Whether you call or chat with us, or opt to fill out our contact form so you can speak with a team member later, you will be asked to provide additional information about you and your case, including but not limited to:

  • Your full name, date of birth, address, and age – at the time of the incident and now, if different.
  • The type of case you have: vehicle accident, medical malpractice, dangerous product, and so forth
  • The name or place where the incident occurred: the name of the road, the name of the hospital, etc.
  • The types of injuries you have sustained and any effects from those injuries.
  • The names of your doctors and any medications you have taken/are currently taking related to the incident, and where those healthcare providers are located.
  • The names of your insurance providers and agents, if applicable.
  • The names and contact information for any witnesses to the incident, your employer, or any other applicable parties.

We may also ask you to send along any documentation you have, such as:

  • Medical records
  • Employment records/pay stubs
  • Police reports/crash reports
  • Photographs or videos related to the incident

Finally, we’ll ask you how you learned about McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips: through a referral, by searching online (Google ads, Google Business Profile, searching a type of injury, etc.), from a print ad, or some other way.

Step Three: A Lawyer Reviews Your Case and Details

Once we have the information we need, that information is passed along to an attorney. The attorney then reviews everything once again and determines whether to move forward by taking your case. You may be contacted by the attorney, a paralegal, an intake specialist, or other team member if additional information is needed to make this final decision.

Once your case is accepted, then a team member will contact you about scheduling your first consultation with your lawyer. These consultations can take place at one of our multiple office locations throughout South Carolina, but we also offer video consultations for potential clients who are unable to travel due to their injuries or illnesses.

During this initial consultation, you’ll get to know your lawyer a bit better – and he or she will get to know you, too. If you’re both satisfied and ready to move forward with the case, then we will send you an agreement to sign. Once you sign, that establishes you are an official client – and ensures that attorney/client privilege applies to any and all conversations and information you provide.

What is the lawyer looking for in a potential case?

We are looking for an act of negligence or, in extreme cases, an act of intentional maliciousness. In order for a case to be actionable (AKA, in order for you to move forward seeking compensation), we must prove that the other party was negligent – that he or she failed “to behave with the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under the same circumstances.” We must also be able to prove that this negligence was the cause of your injuries, and that you sustained losses (or damages) as a result.

What happens if we decline to take a case

McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips is selective in the cases it accepts. There are many reasons why we may decline to take a case. In such instances, a team member from the firm will notify you that we have declined your case. We do this by email or mail so that we and you have a record (paper or electronic) of this decision. We also do our best to provide you with this notice quickly, so that you may seek out other options for representation before the statute of limitations runs out.

Talk to our South Carolina injury and medical malpractice lawyers today

If you suffered injury because of the negligence of another person or entity, McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC is ready to help. With offices throughout South Carolina, we are always nearby when you need us the most. Please call our offices at 803-327-7800 or fill out our contact form to get started.