Dangerous Drug Lawsuits

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South Carolina Dangerous Drug Lawsuits Demand Experienced Attorneys


When pharmaceutical corporations or manufacturers produce dangerous drugs or defective medical devices, they will be liable to individuals who sustain injuries as a result. An injured person does not have to rely on an FDA recall or FDA drug warning before taking action; in fact, the agency typically starts investigating potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals, supplements and medical devices only after injured patients have come forward. Drug injures are also subject to time limits that a person has to file a lawsuit or seek damages against responsible parties, so it is important to contact a lawyer soon after an injury. Our drug injury lawyers file individual or class action lawsuits on behalf of victims and families across the country.

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Call 803-327-7800 now or fill out the form above to schedule your free case evaluation.

What Do Drug Injury Lawsuits Seek?


When a person suffers harm due to the negligent actions of a pharmaceutical drug company or medical device manufacturer, that person may be entitled to financial compensation, including:

  • Reimbursement for past medical bills
  • Payment for future medical bills, rehabilitation and long-term care
  • Daily living expenses
  • Lost past, present and future wages
  • Pain and suffering, embarrassment and disfigurement

If your loved one has died, surviving spouses, children or certain other relatives may pursue wrongful death lawsuits against the negligent parties. Compensation for family members may include:

  • Payment for medical bills
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Lost wages for family support
  • Loss of spousal relationship
  • Pain and suffering of the victim

What Kind of Drug Injury Lawsuit Can I Bring?


A person may file an individual lawsuit in either the state or federal court against the party responsible for his or her injuries.

When the same drug or medical devices injures large group of people, the group of people may band together for a class action lawsuit. Sometimes, the courts will consolidate individual lawsuits so that one judge will make decisions regarding the same issues.

Depending on your unique situation and whether others are similarly situated, your attorney can provide information and possible options so you can decide what kind of lawsuit would be most beneficial to pursue.

Filing a Drug Injury Lawsuit

People who experience adverse symptoms or sustain an injury after taking prescription medications or using a medical device must see a doctor or go to a hospital immediately. It is also useful to maintain a medical journal, detailing your symptoms, feelings and discussions with health care professionals.

Once we file a lawsuit, our drug injury attorneys will do everything possible to move the case forward and bring closure for the individual and his or her family. We always attempt to settle cases by guiding our clients to make informed decisions, although the decision to settle is always the client’s alone. If settlement is not possible, we proceed with trial and are zealous advocates on our client’s behalf.

Discover what we can do for you. Contact us and schedule a free case evaluation. Call 803-327-7800 today.

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