Commercial Truck Driver Causes Tragic Fatal Accident

Commercial truck driver Stevie Breland, 58, has been charged in the hit and run death of Flora Ellenburg, 49, in Chester County in early February. The accident occurred on I-77 in Chester County in the early hours of Monday, February 8th. Ellenburg was a passenger in a Ford Explorer that was rear-ended by a commercial…

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Was the Roadway Itself the Cause of This Man’s Death?

A single vehicle accident in Polk County, NC killed one and shut down I-26 Eastbound overnight at the end of January. The accident happened near Saluda at 2:15 a.m., when Tony Joseph Hurst of Chapin, SC crossed the median and flipped his trailer on the interstate. Hurst was wearing a seatbelt, but died on the…

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Can-Opener Bridge Claims 102nd Victim

America’s aging infrastructure, coupled with a rise in distracted and fatigued driving, has created a recipe for disaster. Durham Bridge was built before the regulation of minimum clearance heights, and while a series of large warning signs line the roadway approaching the bridge, they are proving ineffective at reducing the number of accidents. In 2008,…

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Why Big Rigs Cause More Accidents – and Who Is to Blame

Big rigs are dangerous. They account for more than their share of accidents on the roads in South Carolina, which we have discussed before. These are giant tractor trailers (sometimes called 18-wheelers or semis, which is short for semi-trailers) that are used to transport goods from one place in the state to another, or even…

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Truck Crashes: What to Expect After Your Truck Accident

We have talked about why big rigs are so dangerous before, and with good reason. Truck crashes are terrifying. When accidents happen involving tractor-trailers or semi trucks, the injuries can be severe – or even worse, fatal. Proving fault can require meticulous and thorough documentation; truck companies deal with accidents all the time, and consequentially…

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South Carolina Has More Trucks on the Road than Ever

South Carolina is booming. The population increased by 35% between 1990 and 2012. The state’s GDP increased by 53% in the same period. While this is great news for residents, it comes at a high cost. Total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the state have increased by 43%, totaling 49 billion miles in 2012. According…

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Why Big Rigs Are So Dangerous

Big rigs, or tractor-trailers, are massive towing machines. They are a “necessary evil” on the road, transporting all sorts of materials through South Carolina and across the country every day. However, they can also be extremely dangerous to others on the road for a number of different reasons: Problem number one. Big rigs are, well,…

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Common Causes of Truck Accidents in South Carolina

Most drivers, who are not also truck drivers themselves, probably have an ambivalent relationship with large, commercial trucks. From one perspective, they are a vital link in our complex system of commerce as they transport tons of goods around the country. From the perspective of the drivers of passenger vehicles, large trucks pose a tremendous…

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