What Kind of Surgical Errors Can Lead to Medical Malpractice?

Every surgical procedure carries with it some element of risk. Before you go under anesthesia, your doctor will discuss the general risks of surgery and the specific risks involved in your procedure. Doctors do make mistakes despite their years of training and preparation, but just because a surgical procedure has an unfavorable outcome does not…

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Which Medical Specialists Get Sued for Medical Malpractice the Most?

Medical malpractice often involves a preventable medical error that violates the standard of practice and causes injury to the patient. Doctors and other medical professional commit these negligent actions in every area of medical specialty. A medical malpractice lawsuit allows the injured patient to recover compensation from the medical professional who caused their injury, and…

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Veterans with PTSD Fight to Appeal “Other Than Honorable” Discharge Designation

Also referred to as “bad paper,” veterans who receive “other than honorable” discharges from their military service give up hard-earned benefits such as VA health care, disability compensation, access to VA home loans and the GI Bill for education. The irony is that the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) they developed from events and experiences during…

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Preventable Infection in Wisconsin Hospital Leads to Five Illnesses and One Death

When a nurse at University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, decided to replace the highly addictive opiate in patient’s syringes with water contaminated with Serratia marcescens, he or she may not have realized that lives were at risk in the quest for narcotics. Serratia marcescens is a common hospital-acquired infection that flourishes in damp growing conditions…

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Doctors Aren’t Disinfecting Their Stethoscopes Enough

There are two things you need to have to be recognized as a doctor, even from 100 feet away: a white coat, and a stethoscope. The stethoscope is the most recognizable piece of medical equipment there is, and no matter what type of medical treatment you need, there’s a good shot one will be pressed…

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