Tired Truckers Endanger Columbia Motorists

Fatigued drivers are dangerous drivers because they experience delayed reaction times and their judgment is impaired. In fact, a driver who is too tired can actually be just as dangerous as a motorist who is drunk. While this is an issue for all drivers, it is especially a problem when the fatigued operator is a…

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SC Consumer Risk of Defective Vehicles

General Motors has come under fire in recent months due to a number of recalls affecting millions of vehicles. The company recently entered into a consent agreement to pay a record $35 million fine for failure to provide information on safety defects to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in a timely manner. CNN…

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South Carolina Finally Bans Texting and Driving

On Monday June 9th, the state of South Carolina took a historic step in improving safety for motorists on the roads. A bill banning texting and driving statewide was signed into law. While many local municipalities within South Carolina had already passed bans, the new law standardizes the rules across South Carolina and makes it simple…

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Medication Errors Most Commonly Committed by Nurses

A recent study by the New York Department of Health indicated that more medication errors occur at the hands of nurses than any other health care professional. This makes sense when you consider that nurses are the ones who are most frequently responsible for administering medications in hospital and even doctors’ office settings. It’s true…

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Head Injury Victims & the Risks of Concussions

A concussion is generally defined as a temporary disruption to the normal function of the brain. The Mayo Clinic indicates that the top causes of this disruption are car accidents; falls; and violence, while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that concussions account for as many as 75 percent of the 1.7 million…

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