Defective Products Can Trigger Different Recall Types in South Carolina
The recall of a product routinely triggers personal injury litigation. Products are recalled when there is a problem that prevents some type of risk or danger to consumers. While a recall does not automatically mean a product manufacturer or distributor is going to be held liable and made to compensate product users for harm, it…
Read MoreT-Bone Collisions Affect Passengers Differently Depending on Their Position
As a passenger in a vehicle, you depend upon the driver to keep you safe. You must also depend upon drivers of other vehicles. A T-Bone accident lawyer knows sometimes a motorist runs a traffic light or pulls out without looking for oncoming traffic. The car hitting at a perpendicular angle forms a “T” with…
Read MoreColumbia Kids at Risk of Heat Injuries in Hot Cars
An experienced personal injury lawyer knows tragic deaths occur every summer in Columbia, Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown and surrounding areas as a direct result of children being accidentally left inside of vehicles hot. On a summer day when the temperature is in the mid-80s, the temperature inside a car with the windows down two…
Read MoreFaulty Brakes Could Cause Columbia Truck Crashes
In Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown and surrounding areas, South Carolina truckers are expected to check their vehicles before and after going out on a trip to make sure there are no problems. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has strict requirements for ongoing truck maintenance to identify when issues arise that could jeopardize safety.…
Read MoreCould Training Make Columbia Police Better at Truck Traffic Stops?
Law enforcement officers in Columbia, Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, and Georgetown know the rules of the road that drivers are obliged to obey and police are very good at enforcing those rules. Police help to keep motorists safe by pulling over and citing drivers of passenger cars when violations of speed limits, red light laws…
Read MorePoorly Maintained Trucks in South Carolina Endangering Motorists
Throughout Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown, Columbia, and the rest of South Carolina, it is common to see trucks on the roads. Many of these trucks have responsible drivers who share the road safely with motorists. Some, however, are ticking time bombs. Trucks may become very dangerous when they have irresponsible drivers behind the wheel…
Read MoreCongress Makes Columbia Roads Less Safe by Increasing Truck Accident Risks
To protect people in Anderson, Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown, Columbia, and throughout the rest of the United States, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes rules that truck drivers must follow. One recent rule that went into effect requires truckers to take a 34-hour rest break after they have driven for 60 hours over…
Read MoreChameleon Carriers Endangering Columbia Drivers?
Drivers in Columbia, as well as in nearby areas like Rock Hill and Anderson, are entitled to safe roads. Motorists, including professional truck drivers, have a duty to ensure that they operate their vehicles in a careful way to reduce the risk of a crash. Trucking companies and truck drivers also have additional obligations, including…
Read MoreWill Columbia Truck Accident Victims be Better Protected from Crash Losses?
Trucks must share the road every day with drivers throughout Columbia, Anderson Rock Hill, Sumter, Georgetown and surrounding areas. In some cases, however, truck drivers engage in negligent behavior or trucking companies fail to live up to their obligations. When this occurs, a truck accident lawyer can provide assistance to victims of the truck collision or…
Read MoreHands-Free Electronics Can Lead to Columbia Truck Crashes
Truck drivers are not permitted to use handheld cell phones, according to current regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The reason this rule exists is because the FMCSA has found the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event are six times greater when a commercial driver is dialing a mobile phone.…
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