Third Party Construction Accident Claims in South Carolina

A construction site can be a dangerous place to work. OSHA reports that fatal workplace accidents involving construction workers accounted for 16 percent of all fatal workplace injuries in the U.S. in 2013. The leading causes of death for construction workers is the co-called, “fatal four,” which include: Falls Being struck by an object Electrocution…

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Defective Drug Products Liability Lawsuits

People take prescription drugs because they are supposed to heal our diseases and make us feel better when we are ill. But sometimes the drugs we take to improve a health condition cause harm to our bodies. These defective drugs cause injury and harm to the thousands and even millions of people who take them.…

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How Do I Know if I Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

  When you have sustained an injury that you believe could have been prevented, or was caused by someone else’s negligence, it can cause all kinds of disruptions in your life. If your injury requires surgery, you will be in pain, lose time and income from work, and likely be unable to handle your responsibilities…

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Was it Really Medical Malpractice?

Let us imagine: a woman underwent a routine hysterectomy, but instead of feeling better as she healed she felt increasingly worse. She thought she might be coming down with the flu when she began to get chills and a fever, but when her heart began to race and she became disoriented and felt a bit…

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Motorcycle Accidents with Drunk Driving Motorists

It is common knowledge that motorcycle accidents cause significant injuries and death because motorcycles don’t provide any protection for the rider. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), the number of deaths on motorcycles per mile traveled was 26 times the number of deaths in cars in 2013, the most recent data available.…

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Common Causes of Truck Accidents in South Carolina

Most drivers, who are not also truck drivers themselves, probably have an ambivalent relationship with large, commercial trucks. From one perspective, they are a vital link in our complex system of commerce as they transport tons of goods around the country. From the perspective of the drivers of passenger vehicles, large trucks pose a tremendous…

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Medical Malpractice Verdict This verdict was obtained for bedsores suffered by a paralyzed patient against a Columbia Rehabilitation Hospital, Richland County, SC. (Medical Malpractice)

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