When Disaster Hits, Heroes Do the Right Thing

When hurricane Joaquin caused record flooding in South Carolina, emergency crews from neighboring states mobilized to lend a hand. Two teams from the Murfreesboro Fire and Rescue Department in Tennessee were on scene in Columbia to deal with the worst of the flooding. During the storm, the teams rescued 21 people and 6 dogs. They…

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South Carolina Needs to Double the Size of Dam Safety Staff

South Carolina wants to double the size of its dam safety staff after the floods that devastated the state in October. The Department of Health and Environmental Control submitted a budget request in November for an additional $595,000 in funding for 2016. The requested money would more than double the agency’s current budget, allowing for…

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McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC, Wants to Warn You of New and Dangerous Defective Drug Alerts for Janumet and Incivek

New risks discovered for users of Janumet If you have taken Janumet for Type 2 diabetes or Incivek (Telaprevir) for hepatitis C, you may be at serious risk. This special report is intended for immediate release to anyone who has been prescribed these drugs. Janumet is a combination of metformin and sitagliptin. It is prescribed…

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An Incredible Early Christmas Gift for a Wounded Firefighter

In 2001, Patrick Hardison was a 27-year-old volunteer firefighter in Mississippi. During a rescue search in a burning home, the roof collapsed on him and burned his protective mask onto his face. In a desperate attempt to survive, Hardison held his breath and jumped out a nearby window. The fire left him severely disfigured. Fox…

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Inspection Records Reveal that South Carolina Dams Were Doomed to Fail

State officials have released inspection records that provide shocking details about the state of South Carolina’s dams. After the floodwaters receded, the final count showed that seventeen dams in Richland County failed. While record flooding was the primary cause, the failures were exacerbated by poor maintenance. According to WYFF4, a subsidiary of NBC, “…11 of…

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Debate Over Docs Working Long Hours Questions Quality of Care

In 2011, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education banned 30-hour work shifts for all trainees and limited first-year physicians to no more 16 consecutive work hours. This ruling was the result of over two decades of controversy touched off by the accidental death of Libby Zion in 1984 at the hands of an over-worked…

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Truck Crashes: What to Expect After Your Truck Accident

We have talked about why big rigs are so dangerous before, and with good reason. Truck crashes are terrifying. When accidents happen involving tractor-trailers or semi trucks, the injuries can be severe – or even worse, fatal. Proving fault can require meticulous and thorough documentation; truck companies deal with accidents all the time, and consequentially…

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Doctors Say Kids Have Higher Cancer Risk from Mobile Device Radiation

The American Academy of Pediatrics wrote a letter in late August addressing both the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, urging both agencies to adopt new standards regarding cell phone radiation. The letter highlights some shocking facts about cell phone radiation and what that means for our children. Today reports, “Earlier…

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Firefighters Rescue Cat, Spur Donations of CPR Kits for Four-Legged Friends

News coverage of a house fire in Olympia recently went viral. The video shows Columbia firefighters battling a raging house fire in nearly 100-degree weather. After the conflagration was doused, firefighters combed through the wreckage looking for survivors; that was when they found Soldier, the homeowner’s gray and white tabby cat. Solider was unresponsive, but…

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Invokana and Invokamet Linked to Serious Side Effects

Invokana is a prescription medicine used to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. According to the FDA, “It belongs to a class of drugs called sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors… Canagliflozin lowers blood sugar by causing the kidneys to remove sugar from the body through the urine. It is available as a single-ingredient…

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