South Carolina’s Crumbling Transportation Infrastructure Finally Gets Some Attention
The second regular session of the 121st South Carolina General Assembly kicked off on January 12 and will run through June 2 of 2016. While this news is largely ignored by most people, this session could be critical; the General Assembly has agreed that transportation and infrastructure are the most important legislative focuses. We’ve written…
Read MoreToddler Dials 911, and a Greenville, SC Cop Helped Save Her Day
In Greenville, SC, a two-year-old girl named Aaliyah Garrett was having some trouble, so she dialed 911. Aaliyah’s grandfather, who was in the next room, was unaware that the toddler had dialed 911 until Deputy Martha Lohnes from the Greenville County Sherriff’s office appeared at the front door. As Aaliiyah’s grandfather was answering the door…
Read More10 Tips for Patient Safety and Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections
Is there a professional that you trust more than your doctor? You rely on your doctor to be well-informed, to treat you when you are sick and to not cause you any harm. Unfortunately, preventable medical errors made by doctors and other medical professionals are a leading cause of death and injury in the United…
Read MoreWas the Roadway Itself the Cause of This Man’s Death?
A single vehicle accident in Polk County, NC killed one and shut down I-26 Eastbound overnight at the end of January. The accident happened near Saluda at 2:15 a.m., when Tony Joseph Hurst of Chapin, SC crossed the median and flipped his trailer on the interstate. Hurst was wearing a seatbelt, but died on the…
Read MoreWalking Machine May Help Brain Injured Vets
Our military service members face risks that most of us can’t imagine. Active duty members are at risk from blast exposures, increasing the chances of suffering a traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. Even veterans and reserve duty members are at higher risk of sustaining these types of injuries because of their service. SoldierStrong…
Read MoreMedical Errors Are a Huge Problem
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a list of the leading causes of death in the United States. Their FastStats pages provide quick information on diseases and conditions that threaten the health of our nation. However, their list doesn’t contain what is arguably the most devastating threat to life in the United States.…
Read MoreCommunity Effort Makes Heart Transplant Possible
In early February, Nebraska was a winter horror show. Areas of the state received more than 15 inches of snow and experienced 50mph wind gusts. The weather was horrendous to say the least. In the midst of the storm, Dan Griffin received a midnight phone call at his home in Elba; after more than a…
Read MoreBionic Spine Implant Could Help the Paralyzed to Walk Again
Australian developers have created an implantable “bionic spine” that can interpret and transmit signals from the motor cortex. The device, about the size of a paperclip, can be implanted through a vein using a catheter. This method eliminates the need for dangerous and invasive brain surgery. How it works The Guardian reports, “The outside of…
Read MoreProstate Cancer Treatment Doubles Men’s Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease
A new study published in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology has found that a common prostate cancer treatment increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The research, funded by the National Institutes of Health, contributes important information for men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are considering types of…
Read MoreNot All Elective Surgery is a Choice
Elective surgery carries a lot of negative weight in our society, but the term doesn’t mean what you think it means. Any non-urgent or non-emergency surgery is considered elective. To use a simple example, let’s say you find a mole on your shoulder. You can elect to have it removed – a minimally invasive procedure…
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