Cerebral Palsy Can Develop as the Result of Medical Malpractice

There are few feelings as extraordinary as holding your child for the first time. That life that you carried through nine long months of morning sickness, food cravings, extra trips to the bathroom and some pretty uncomfortable sleeping positions is finally here – 10 fingers, 10 toes, and absolutely loved. For some mothers, however, the…

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Colonoscopies Save Lives, but Medical Malpractice Costs Them

For some people, just the word “colonoscopy” is enough to make them shudder. We understand. At first thought, it can seem like a rather uncomfortable procedure. The truth is that for men and women or of a certain age, it is a very necessary procedure – one that can save your life, if performed correctly…

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Childhood Concussions Frequently Go Untreated

Concussions are a hot topic recently. The blockbuster film starring Will Smith brought the story of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) to the public, showing a side of professional sports that the league worked long and hard to hide. The topic has been trending for many months, and new research has revealed just how common sports-…

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Why Johnson & Johnson Is Losing the Talc Battle

Deane Berg was the first woman to sue Johnson & Johnson when she was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer after years of using their Baby Powder. Her lawsuit garnered attention, though she was awarded no damages. Her case turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg; J&J is now facing more than 1,200…

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How to Find Out if Your Doctor Is Good for You

On the heels of the big news that medical errors are now the third leading cause of the death in the United States, we thought it might be appropriate to write about the information available to you when choosing a doctor. Unfortunately, the type of information that patients have access to concerning healthcare providers boils…

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