An Exploding Takata Airbag Linked to Another Death

We wrote about the fact that Takata airbags are still in the news back in September. We are covering this issue again today because, according to an article in The State, many owners of Honda vehicles have not yet had their defective airbags replaces. The automaker and federal safety regulators have sent recall notices to…

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What You Need to Know About Viagra and Skin Cancer

Viagra is once again a hot topic, and not because of the remarkable powers of the little blue pill. With hundreds of lawsuits flooding the justice system, a link between the erectile dysfunction medication and aggressive skin cancer is becoming more and more apparent. The lucky victims are filing their own lawsuits against Pfizer; the…

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The VA Stopped Reporting Healthcare Performance Information

After a short break, the national spotlight is back on the shoddily run Department of Veterans Affairs. USA Today recently reported that the agency illegally stopped sharing quality of care information with the Department of Health and Human Services over the summer. This new failure prevents access to healthcare information that could mean the difference…

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The True Cost of Staying Clean: Carcinogens in Soap

The amount of soap you use every day could affect how much longer you live. Soap is everywhere; hand soaps, shampoo, bar soaps, dish soap, dishwasher and washing machine detergent are just a few of the products that everyone uses on a daily basis. With the sheer volume of products on the market, it would…

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Three Commercial Trucks Involved in Fiery I-77 Pileup

Road construction on I-77 in Chester County created stop-and-go traffic conditions that resulted in a fiery six-car pileup in early September. The multi-vehicle wreck closed the highway for more than 8 hours while first responders worked to literally put out fires and save more than a dozen victims. The accident was so large that the…

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Smaller Commercial Trucks Can Cause Fatal Accidents, Too

Truck accidents are always serious. The underlying cause varies; truck drivers can be distracted, fatigued, drunk or unlicensed, but the overriding cause is always the same. Big trucks cause big accidents. Commercial vans and small trucks can outweigh passenger vehicles by almost 10 times, while fully loaded tractor-trailers can be 40 times heavier than a…

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Samsung Screwed Up a Smartphone AND a Recall

In case you missed it, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has officially recalled 1 million Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after dozens of the devices caught fire while charging. The defective devices caused a reported 92 instances of overheating so far, of which 55 involved property damage and 26 involved burns. Unfortunately, these problems…

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Why You Might Not Know When Your Implant Is Defective

Headlines are made when major medical device or drug manufacturers issue massive recalls that affect hundreds of thousands of people. The US Food and Drug Administration handles the announcement of every recall differently, regardless of how many people were affected. However, most medical recalls have a common theme; the burden of informing patients is generally…

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