Understanding Damage Awards in Catastrophic South Carolina Injury Cases

Catastrophic injuries are generally defined as life-altering injuries in which the victim’s quality of life will be forever changed. They usually involve high medical fees just to stabilize the patient’s medical condition. After the victim’s health has reached maximal improvement, the patient normally requires continuous medical care in order to function, or has to live…

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Determining Fault in South Carolina Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical mistakes can happen for many reasons. Common causes include errors during surgery, diagnostic errors, birth injuries, failure to monitor the patient, and lack of informed consent. Injuries can also happen because a defective product, such as transvaginal mesh or hernia mesh, was used. The wrong medications may have been prescribed or used. When medical…

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Dangerous Drug Alert: What You Must Know about the Opioid Drug Subsys and the Way It Was Marketed to Users

Insys Therapeutics is the creator of a fentanyl opioid spray called Subsys. Subsys was approved by the Food & Drug Administration only for certain cancer patients for the management of breakthrough pain. A patient sprays Subsys under his or her tongue, which allows the medication to be absorbed immediately. Subsys is an incredibly powerful drug.…

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South Carolina DOT Death Illustrates Dangers of Construction Work

The Augusta Chronicle reported on March 19, 2017, that two South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) employees were killed when they were struck by a hit-and-run driver while they were conducting a ditch inspection. A third employee was injured. The accident happened even though an SCDOT truck had its warning lights on to alert oncoming…

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Dangers of C-QUR Atrium Mesh Explained by South Carolina Product Liability Attorneys

C-Qur is a mesh implant, manufactured by Atrium Medical Corporation (AMC). It was approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 for various internal medical repairs, including hernia repair, surgical wound repair, and chest wall repair. The mesh is made from polypropylene, a polymer plastic. Hospitals and doctors began aggressively utilizing…

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What Poisoned the Wells at Camp Lejeune?

Camp Lejeune, the largest Marine Corps. Base camp in the country, has been back in the news recently, thanks to a last-minute act by former President Barack Obama. As we previously discussed, an additional $2 billion has been set aside for Marines and their family members who spent at least 30 days at Camp Lejeune…

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