Dangers of Fentanyl: Addiction, Withdrawal, and Side Effects
Fentanyl is an opioid pain reliever. It is a synthetic drug that is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. It is primarily used to treat people who have cancer and for patients who undergo surgeries. Subsys is a form of fentanyl that comes in a spray that is applied to the patient’s tongue.…
Read MoreHealth Care Facility Acquired Infections Remain a Threat to Patient Safety
Outbreak News Today recently discussed with Doctor Rodney Rhode of Texas State University the dangers of being exposed to infection in a health care setting. Dr. Rhode is Chair & Professor of Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS) and the Associate Dean for Research at the College of Health Professions for the university. Hospitals are prone to…
Read MoreSubsys, a Drug for Treating Cancer, is Being Used for Dangerous Reasons
Subsys is a medication that contains fentanyl, an opioid pain medication that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. It is intended to be used to treat adults with cancer pain. The drug is sprayed under the tongue and then absorbed. It is used by cancer patients who are already taking opioid drugs 24…
Read MoreCongratulations, Randy Hood, on Your Lifetime Achievement Membership among America’s Top 100 Attorneys®!
McGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC is proud to announce that founding partner Randy Hood has been awarded Lifetime Achievement status by America’s Top 100 Attorneys®. This is a true honor, designed to recognize the impact of Randy’s work on behalf of injury and malpractice victims in South Carolina, North Carolina and throughout the country.…
Read MorePreventable Infection in Wisconsin Hospital Leads to Five Illnesses and One Death
When a nurse at University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, decided to replace the highly addictive opiate in patient’s syringes with water contaminated with Serratia marcescens, he or she may not have realized that lives were at risk in the quest for narcotics. Serratia marcescens is a common hospital-acquired infection that flourishes in damp growing conditions…
Read MoreMcGowan, Hood, Felder & Phillips, LLC Files Lawsuit Against Amazon for Defective Solar Eclipse Glasses
When it comes to retail sales, Amazon is in a class all its own. That is why Thomas Corey Payne and his fiancée Kayla Harris of Charleston, SC turned to us to help them seek justice against Amazon, which sold defective solar eclipse glasses to our clients. Attorney Jay Ward is co-counsel in the class…
Read MoreLegionnaires’ Risk for Patients in Health Care Facilities
There have not been major outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in the US to rival the most well-known and eponymous episode: when 182 American Legion convention visitors became ill in 1972. However, infections continue to arise, particularly when private water systems do not have proper safety protocols in place during the warmer months. A 2015 study…
Read MoreDoes Baby Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?
On August 21, 2017, a Los Angeles jury awarded $417 million to Eva Echeverria, a life-long user of Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder who is dying of ovarian cancer. This is the largest verdict to-date in the talcum powder lawsuit, and the first case tried in California. The jury awarded $347 million in punitive damages,…
Read MoreWhat You Should Know about the Latest Talc Lawsuit
Many lawsuits are being brought against Johnson & Johnson based on the assertion that its talc powder causes ovarian cancer in women. Over 300 such lawsuits are pending in California, and over 4,500 nationwide. The lawsuits assert that Johnson & Johnson, a major healthcare product maker, ignored studies that linked its Shower to Shower and…
Read MoreJohnson & Johnson’s Marketing of Talc Products to African-American and Latina Women
On August 21, 2017, a Los Angeles jury awarded Eva Echeverria $417 million in her case against Johnson & Johnson. Ms. Echeverria was a life-long user of the company’s talc-based products, and used the product after her ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2007. In fact, she only stopped using it in 2016, when she discovered there…
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