CPSC Bans Phthalates in Children’s Toys and Other Products

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has banned children’s toys and child care products that contain more than 0.1% of certain phthalate chemicals. Phthalates are chemical compounds that are added to plastics and vinyl to make an item soft and pliable. If a child ingests certain types of phthalates, it can have harmful effects…

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Founder of Insys Therapeutics Has Been Charged with Racketeering

John Kapoor, founder and majority owner of Insys Therapeutics, has been arrested and charged with fraud and racketeering by the federal government. The is the latest indictment attached to Insys – its former CEO, as well as other executives and employees, are also facing additional charges – for a bribery and kick-back scheme that involved…

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Veterans with PTSD Fight to Appeal “Other Than Honorable” Discharge Designation

Also referred to as “bad paper,” veterans who receive “other than honorable” discharges from their military service give up hard-earned benefits such as VA health care, disability compensation, access to VA home loans and the GI Bill for education. The irony is that the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) they developed from events and experiences during…

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Good News Stories from Your South Carolina Neighbors

Because of the nature of the work we do, we often write about serious issues regarding negligence, and the breach of trust many of our clients experienced because of a defective product, a commercial truck crash, or an act of medical malpractice. It can be hard to lose sight of the great things that go…

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Potential Risks of Glyphosate Weed Treatment

Glyphosate is an herbicide which is used to kill grass and broadleaf plants. There are over 750 liquid and solid forms of glyphosate. Both the glyphosate form and the sodium salt form used for controlling plant growth and helping fruits ripen are used on gardens, lawns, and industrial weeds. The product dates back to 1974.…

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Skyrocketing Fentanyl Death Rate is Unprecedented

The opioid epidemic has been raging through communities across the United States; the death toll of overdoses is up an incomprehensible rate of 22%; about 64,000 people died in 2016 from drug overdoses. A story in the New York Times reports that drug overdose is expected to remain the leading cause of death for Americans…

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