What Kind of Surgical Errors Can Lead to Medical Malpractice?
Every surgical procedure carries with it some element of risk. Before you go under anesthesia, your doctor will discuss the general risks of surgery and the specific risks involved in your procedure. Doctors do make mistakes despite their years of training and preparation, but just because a surgical procedure has an unfavorable outcome does not…
Read MoreHow to Determine Whether You Have a Defective Medical Device
If you have an implanted medical device such as a pacemaker, an artificial knee or hip, a stent, an IVC filter or any other type of medical device, you might wonder what happens if the device turns out to be defective. People who have defective medical devices may be able to take legal action against…
Read MoreWhich Medical Specialists Get Sued for Medical Malpractice the Most?
Medical malpractice often involves a preventable medical error that violates the standard of practice and causes injury to the patient. Doctors and other medical professional commit these negligent actions in every area of medical specialty. A medical malpractice lawsuit allows the injured patient to recover compensation from the medical professional who caused their injury, and…
Read MoreHow to Decide Whether to File a Defective Medical Device Lawsuit
You have suffered a serious injury from a defective medical device and you are wondering whether it makes sense to sue the manufacturer. This is an important decision, but it is one that you might need some additional information and input from a skilled attorney to answer it. How do you know if you have…
Read MoreNewly Proposed Legislation Would Protect Us from Drivers and Operators with Sleep Apnea
Last September a commuter train crashed into a wall at the Hoboken, NJ train station during the morning rush, killing one and injuring more than 100 people, because the train’s conductor had undiagnosed sleep apnea. An article in EHS Today estimates that one in 25 adult drivers over age 18 have reported falling asleep while…
Read MoreFDA Issues a Safety Warning About Injuries and Death from Intercept’s Liver Drug Ocaliva
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a drug safety communication regarding serious liver injury with Ocaliva (obeticholic acid) for rare chronic liver disease. The warning communicates concern that the drug is not being dosed correctly in some patients who have moderate to severe decrease in liver function, which has resulted in an…
Read MoreUrology Patients in Aiken, SC May Have Been Exposed to Infections During Surgery
If you have undergone a surgical procedure at an Aiken, South Carolina facility in the last year, you could be at risk of an infection caused by the improper cleaning and sterilization of surgical instruments. Based upon information and belief, certain surgical patients in and near Aiken, SC have received letters from a physician, indicating…
Read MoreDrug Maker Insys Accused of Sparking the Opioid Epidemic by Bribing Doctors and Promising Kickbacks
When John Kapoor, former CEO of Insys Therapeutics Inc. maker of Subsys was arrested on racketeering conspiracy and other charges recently, he became the highest ranking pharmaceutical executive to be accused of a crime related to the opioid crisis, which his company and other Big Pharma companies helped to fuel with their incredibly powerful and…
Read MoreThe Puppy That Was Almost Another Statistic in America’s Opioid Crisis
Who does not like a happy, curious yellow Labrador puppy? Zoey, much like any three-month-old yellow lap pup, is curious and gets into everything around her – even things that could be deadly. A story in the Washington Post tells about one afternoon when Zoey’s owner took her for a walk near their home in…
Read MoreIn a New Procedure, Doctors Repair a Birth Defect Before a Birth
Spina bifida is a birth defect. Children are born with the condition, which occurs when the tissue that forms the spinal column does not close properly in utero. Children who are born with spina bifida sometimes need to have surgery to repair the opening in the back, and have a shunt implanted to drain excess…
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