Maurice’s Southern Gold Honey Sauce Recalled for Undeclared Soy and Wheat Products
Piggie Park Enterprises Inc. has issued a recall for all batches of Maurice’s Southern Gold Honey Sauce and Gourmet Carolina Gold Honey Sauce made within the last two years (March 11,2016 through March 11, 2018) after failing to declare potential allergens. The powdered honey used in the sauces contains both wheat and soy, which were…
Read MoreMedical Malpractice Claims for Sepsis-Related Kidney Injuries
Sepsis, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the body’s extreme response to an infection. Without timely treatment, sepsis can be deadly, and it can also cause tissue damage and organ failure. Sepsis can occur when you are already fighting an infection and your immune system triggers a chain reaction throughout your…
Read MoreWhat is Sepsis?
Sepsis is an inflammatory condition that, if not treated properly, can be life-threatening. It is usually the result of a bacterial infection in the blood stream (called septicemia, though some people use the two terms interchangeably) that is often caused by an initial infection. The elderly, small children, and other individuals with compromised or weakened…
Read MoreSeconds Before the South Carolina Amtrak Crash
Federal investigators have been looking into the Feb. 4th fatal crash of an Amtrak train that slammed headfirst into a freight train in Cayce, S.C., about four miles south of Columbia. According to investigators, the engineer blew the horn for three seconds and also engaged the emergency break at some point, slowing the train to…
Read MoreSepsis Can Be Caused By Medical Malpractice
If you or a loved one has contracted the serious condition referred to as sepsis in a medical care setting, you may be wondering if you have a case for medical malpractice. In order to bring a medical malpractice lawsuit involving sepsis, you will probably need the help of a skilled attorney. First things first:…
Read MoreWhat are the Long-Term Health Effects of Sepsis?
Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening immune response to an infection. If the body overreacts to a localized infection, it can cause a systemic reaction that creates inflammation throughout the body. Sepsis is most commonly contracted in the hospital when an individual is recovering from an infection Sepsis can progress very quickly, and it can be…
Read MoreProton-pump Inhibitor Injuries
You have likely seen commercials on television for drugs such as Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid. These proton pump inhibitors come in prescription strength and over-the-counter versions of a drug that reduces acid in the stomach. Though generally accepted as safe and reliable for long-term use, some people who have taken PPIs have suffered injuries, and…
Read MoreMedical Malpractice After Spinal Epidural Abscess
An epidural abscess is an often misdiagnosed, potentially life-threatening medical condition that must be detected and treated immediately or there could be dire consequences. An epidural abscess is inflammation between the dura, which is the outer membrane covering the brain and spinal cord, and the bones of the skull or spine. Medscape describes the two…
Read MoreRecent S.C. Crashes Stress the Importance of Staying Safe
A number of people traveling in South Carolina during the first week of February faced tragic consequences. Along with the Amtrak train crash into a parked CSX freight train in Cayce which killed two people, an additional 14 people lost their lives in car crashes throughout the state. The following locations and counties suffered deadly…
Read MoreWhat is Fentanyl, and Why is It So Dangerous?
Fentanyl is often prescribed and used by medical professionals to help alleviate the short and long-term pain experienced by many patients recovering from injuries and surgical procedures. As a synthesized opioid, the drug is extremely powerful, with a potency of 50 to 100 times that of morphine. National Center for Health statistics show that of…
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