How to Spot a Victim of Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking and sex trafficking are, unfortunately, two of the United States’ largest and fastest growing problems. Millions of women and girls are drawn into this criminal underground system every year. Many are held against their will, moved around under the control of another person or group. As a result of the current spotlight on…

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Federal Human and Sex Trafficking Laws – What You Need to Know

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. It is recognized by the United Nations as a violation of human rights. Trafficking in any form is reprehensible. The National Human Trafficking Hotline defines sex trafficking as “a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform commercial sex through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Minors under the…

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Doctor Arrested for Performing Surgeries Without Women’s Consent

On Friday, November 8, federal authorities arrested a VA doctor on charges of healthcare fraud and false statements. Javaid Perwaiz, 69, was under investigation by the FBI for nearly a year after receiving a tip from a hospital employee who suspected Perwaiz was performing unnecessary surgeries on his patients. According to an article at ABC…

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EVALI Is a “Cute” Name for a Life-Threatening Lung Injury

If you’ve seen the news over the last several months, then you’re very familiar with the issues surrounding the mysterious vaping-related illness that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now officially named the disease EVALI. It stands for e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung…

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Will Vaping Products Be Banned in South Carolina?

Vaping was supposed to be the “next big thing” to help people quit smoking. Instead, vaping has spawned an entirely new, deadly illness all of its own. The new illness, now officially named EVALI, short for e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury, is causing states to place temporary bans on vaping and product sales…

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The Hidden Danger of Vaping

Vaping devices have been advertised as a way to help smokers quit smoking and as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco. Of late, vaping has increasingly taken center stage for another reason. It turns out that vaping isn’t all it was cracked up to be. In addition to vaping liquid being just as addictive as…

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JUUL Is Unsafe. We Want You to Know Why.

It is now painfully clear that vaping is not the safe alternative to smoking. More individual cities and entire states are implementing temporary bans by the day, and even the federal government is looking to restrict the sale and use of flavored e-cigs. At the center of this controversy sits JUUL: a popular vaping device…

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Vaping: The New Deadly Epidemic

In the 1920s, the federal government initiated a ban on alcohol during prohibition for, among other reasons, health concerns. Almost a full century later, vaping-related health hazards that continue to surface are creating a similar climate of fear with many local governments urging users of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) to quit use immediately. That…

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What You Need to Know about Batteries in Exploding E-Cig Cases

Over the last few years, there have been countless news stories about lithium-ion batteries and the role they play in causing products to combust. Hoverboards, Samsung phones, laptops, and now e-cigarettes: all these explosions seem to come back to the batteries in the devices. It is not necessarily that all lithium-ion batteries are dangerous; we…

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