Amtrak Derailment in South Carolina Leaves Two Dead

On Sunday, February 4th, 2018 at around 2:30 am, an Amtrak train out of New York and heading to Miami crashed into a stationary freight train in a yard in South Carolina. There were two fatalities involving the train’s engineer and a conductor. According to news reports, 116 of the 147 people on board were…

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Latest Decision May Help Victims of Bair Hugger Warming Devices Pursue Justice

3M, the Maplewood-based giant manufacturer, which is well-known for selling innovative office and home improvements supplies, also sells Bair Hugger warming blankets, a forced air patient warming device used in hospitals. The device is designed to keep patients warm during surgery and thus prevent infections and promote overall healing. However, thousands of people have taken…

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Antibiotic Use in Early Pregnancy May Raise Birth Defect Risk

A new study shows the danger of certain antibiotics prescribed to women in early pregnancy due to the risk of birth defects. Researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzed antibiotic prescriptions filled by pregnant women who had urinary tract infections in their first trimester of pregnancy. They found that despite…

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Ethicon and Its Transvaginal Mesh Legal Troubles

Transvaginal mesh is a form of surgical mesh used to repair certain types of pelvic floor disorders such as the dropping or prolapse of the uterus and bladder. These conditions are quite common and are often due to obesity, age, and childbirth. Sometimes referred to as a bladder sling, a transvaginal mesh is designed to…

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What Kind of Surgical Errors Can Lead to Medical Malpractice?

Every surgical procedure carries with it some element of risk. Before you go under anesthesia, your doctor will discuss the general risks of surgery and the specific risks involved in your procedure. Doctors do make mistakes despite their years of training and preparation, but just because a surgical procedure has an unfavorable outcome does not…

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Which Medical Specialists Get Sued for Medical Malpractice the Most?

Medical malpractice often involves a preventable medical error that violates the standard of practice and causes injury to the patient. Doctors and other medical professional commit these negligent actions in every area of medical specialty. A medical malpractice lawsuit allows the injured patient to recover compensation from the medical professional who caused their injury, and…

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